: 2009-2010 First LUL Season
LUL Academe POB 11411 Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Music Page * * "Ethiopia" -- new music from Addis (Teowdros Abera, Tikher Teferra)! (winamp 4.46 min) download free * info
The House of Sellassie website is about the projects we are engeged to. Most of them are of cultural and educational nature and if you want to be a part of it, welcome aboard. by Solomon Kibriye Dejene * Sellassie Online: subscribe!
HIM slide-show *
2005. It is over twenty years since our family got involved into the Aid to Starving Ethiopians in 1984. In 1998 we began the Sellassie webpages -- for the same reason; attracting attentions to Ethiopia and the man of Ethiopia, the last emperor.
He wasn't represented, he still isn't, and the Sellassie Cyber Museum was our reaction to the historical injustice. There is no Sellassie Museum in Addis Ababa, but a lot of web-references in the Internet. We are happy.
"Sellassie Family Pages" and "House of Sellassie" never represented any party, movement or organization. Even the structure of our electronic pages was rather loose -- culture of Ethiopia, art, history... We wanted to present the country behind the man. No special agenda, no preferences.
I still believe that Ethiopia and Ethiopians won't find their way into the future without accepting its past -- and their leader of the century, Haile Sellassie I.
It probably will take another generation of lost souls...
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--How can I buy HIM Y2K T-shirt?No, not anymore.
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